Friday, March 23, 2012

"We question our sanity, determine we’ve gone mad, and fall into the pit of spent life. What do I want? That is the most difficult question, when really I have two very conflicting answers. One which will kill me, and at times this seems to be the most desirable." A.W.

"Rival gangsters sit down to plan an after school program. A religious fanatic posts footage of an interfaith service project. A group of teenage boys watches a video of a father playing catch with his son. An adult film star paints thumbnail portraits of elderly couples fully clothed and smiling. A record executive records a demo of his apology. A policeman makes reverse 911 calls isntructing residents to take to the streets. A patriarch reports for duty. She's wearing an orange jumpsuit and holding a picket sign. She's ashamed of her birthplace, but retreat is not an option."


  1. Lovely caricature with fine details. Your artwork is always impressive. Thanks for sharing those thought-provoking quotes along with that music-video.

    I enjoy seeing your preferences of art. Please consider promoting yourself & posting your artwork at (The username, "Caricatures" is available for you, at that site).

    Please remember to mention your personal blog(s), art shop, and "stoneworx gallery", at Shadowness. You're likely to be featured on the homepage of the site because the admins & moderators of Shadowness, would love your work.

    1. Thank you, that means a lot to me! :)
      I'll try to upload as soon as possible.

    2. That's nice to read. I'll be there to welcome (greet) and support you at that art-site.

  2. Karikatura kao i uvijek impresivna! :) Za komentar (iznad mene) koji si dobila, ČESTITAM!!!

    1. Hvala mala :D Prijavi se i ti tamo, sigurno ce ti objaviti stvari. :)*
